My Baby Tracker

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 7 of stims

Well, I've been shooting up for almost a week now!  Doesn't seem like it - the time has flown by.  I had another monitoring appointment this morning.  This time I had an u/s tech who was much more gentle with my organs.  She saw 18 follicles, 13 were over 10mm, 2 were over 15mm!  Great for day 7.  And my estrogen is 1481 which is reasonable I guess because I'm maintaining my doses of medications and don't have to get monitored tomorrow.  Yay!!  Comparing to day 7 of my last cycle, my estrogen was higher by about 400 and I had fewer and smaller follicles.  So seems like things are going much better!

I am really feeling things though!  I have to hold the sides of my abdomen when walking around so that my ovaries don't move around as much and the cramps are starting in my uterus (understandable since my lining today was already at 11.8mm.  2 days ago it was 4.8mm and the goal is 15mm).  My boobs are also KILLING me!  If I had more hands I'd be holding them too when walking around.  LOL!  Ovaries trump the boobs though and it is less conspicuous if I am holding my stomach versus holding my boobs while walking around the office:))  That would get some eyebrows raised in my male-dominated office full of engineers. 

Something I learned today that is exciting is that my clinic (AFCC) has the 3rd highest success rate in the country for donor eggs at 80%!  It's even higher than CCRM (Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine)!  To put it in perspective, my former clinic had 56%.   The reason why that number interests me at this point is that I've been reading that you can tell a lot about the quality of the lab by that number.  Since a cycle involving donor eggs is tricky on so many fronts, a clinic with a high donor egg success rate means they have good quality control in place.

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