My Baby Tracker

Thursday, December 8, 2016

27 week belly pic

How Far Along: 27 weeks

Total Weight Gain:  25 lbs. (goal at 40 weeks is 35 lbs)

Maternity Clothes:  Yup!  Maternity winter coat and had to buy shoes one size up to fit my swollen feet:/

Movement:  Yes, pretty active frequently.  Most active in the evening and after meals.  Kellen saw her kick yesterday evening:)

Sleep:  Sleeping is ok for now outside of needing to pee at least once and Kellen consistently waking us up around 5am to sleep with us due to the monsters in his bedroom.  My maternity pillow is on standby when it gets bad though.

Gender:  GIRL!

Symptoms:  starting to have pubic and tail bone pain, vagina pain, round ligament pain at times, belly button pain (!), carpal tunnel syndrome, hands and feet swelling, leg cramps when sleeping, sore feet, gigantor boobies that both my hubby and my son laugh at:/, back pain, restless leg syndrome in the evenings.

Cravings:  biggest one is cereal.

Things I Miss:  shaving my legs, painting toes, bending over without farting, working out, sushi (!), sitting in my work chair without being in pain, my normal sized boobs, chasing after my son.

Highlight of the Week:  Kellen seeing baby girl kick!

Last Appointment:  11/16 - OB check with doctor

Next Appointment:  Wednesday, 12/14 - OB check-up; Gestational Diabetes check
                                  Thursday, 12/15 - 28 week weight/growth check U/S with MFM

Preggo Lifesavers:  cat/cow yoga pose, nursing tanks, maternity pjs