My Baby Tracker

Friday, March 3, 2017

39w5d update

Whoa, I have been neglecting this blog BIG TIME!  I have just been so incredibly busy with work and preparations, I have totally forgotten that I even have a blog.  Things have been relatively boring too so I haven't been obsessing about anything in particular.  When something is on my mind constantly, that's when blogging helps me tremendously.  So here I am - not to say anything is worrying me.  I am now 39w5d and am 2 DAYS away from my due date!  So I figured I should post an update.  I can't believe that she will be here in a matter of days and not weeks or months anymore!

So what has happened since I posted last...?  Like I said, things have been pretty boring.  My placenta resolved itself back in December, SCH is gone, no other issues or worries with the baby.  But at my 37 week check, my doctor found out that she was breech so that was annoying.  We discussed it and decided to do an external version to try to move her to head down position.  She said it might be painful and it might not work but thought I still had a good chance since I had plenty of fluid and this was my 2nd baby - both of which increases the success rates with these versions.  It was either try the version or hope she flips.  If she didn't, I'd have to have a c-section at 38-39 weeks.  So I said lets go for it.  They scheduled the appointment for 37w5d and told me not to eat or drink anything after midnight just in case the baby got upset and had to have an emergency c-section.  They told me to expect to be there about 4 hours.  The actual procedure would take 5 minutes but they needed to monitor me for awhile afterwards to make sure the baby was still ok.

So I get there as scheduled, then poked me for the IV lock and started monitoring the baby to get a baseline for her.  The doctor came in to go over the procedure again and do a last minute ultrasound.  Low and behold, baby girl had flipped to be head down in a matter of 2 days.  My doctor exclaimed "Well that's the easiest version I've ever done!!".  She said that they'd monitor me for another couple minutes and then would release me.  She also said that it was unlikely that the baby would flip again to go back to breech - but it wasn't unheard of, so she would keep an eye on it at my next couple weekly checks with her.  So yea, they monitored me and then let me go home and that was my experience with the external version.  LOL!  So far, she has remained head down.

Other than that, it's been just basic visits - weekly now - to get checked.  She has had me do nonstress tests first and then I see her afterwards to go over the test and do a cervical check.  The NSTs are just because I am over 35 and because I have complained about how she has frequent quiet days.  But on her active days, she is seriously crazy and my whole belly shakes and rolls.  It's pretty funny.  Anyway, the NSTs are just a precaution and an extra check that just using the Doppler can't match.  Every time I've had an NST though, it's looked great.  They are really pummeling me with doing daily - if not, twice daily - kick counts though.  So I have started to do that.  The goal is 10 movements in 2 hours.  I usually get to 10 by the 30 minute mark.  So that's really good.  I have lost my mucus plug (or part of it) 3 times now starting at 37w6d, 38w6d, and again today at 39w5d.  I don't know how far I'm dilated right now but at my last couple checks I've held steady at only 1 cm dilated.  So I must just be regenerating my plug over and over again....annoying!  For many women, loosing their plug or even part of their plug is the last sign before contractions start.  When I lost it at 37w6d, we got really excited and started making preparations for go time within a matter of hours or days.  But nooooo!!  Nothing ever happened.

So things are sorta stagnant if you will but time has still been flying by - so it's not too bad.  I do have some mild Braxton Hicks contractions occasionally but other than that, nada.  My belly feels like it's dragging on the ground but it's felt that way for awhile now.  I'm thankful that the pelvic pain I experienced with Kellen has not happened this time around.  That was really awful!  I still do have that pain though but it's at a much smaller intensity.  My doctor keeps suggesting that I have sex as a way to "ripen my cervix" and maybe get things moving.  But even the cervical checks with just 1 finger give me blinding pain...I cannot imagine how much sex would hurt right now!!  Much less - how exactly does a beached whale fornicate anyway...?  So I have not taken up that recommendation and have no intention of changing my!  Anyway, at my last check on Wednesday, I asked for an induction if I hit 40 weeks and nothing has happened yet.  My doctor is on board and she set me up for an induction next Tuesday night for a birth sometime on Wednesday.  YAY!!!  It is so relieving and exciting to have a "not-to-go-past" date!  There is still a good chance that things will start on their own or my water will break before then.  But if not, we've got that to fall back on.  Plus I don't want her to "over cook" and on her quiet days, I just get so nervous and wish she could be out here so I could make sure she's ok.  Cord accidents have really been freaking me out with this pregnancy.  But I have to remember that I have no control over that at all - so I just have to let go and let God do His thing to keep her safe.

We are definitely ready from a practical standpoint though.  Emotionally though and how to manage 2 kids will be an ongoing learning experience I'm sure.  Her nursery is ready, we have all the supplies in place, have picked out her name: Harper Elizabeth:), car seat installed, I have work pretty much wrapped up.  So yea, once she decides to come out or once Tuesday night gets here, we'll be ready!

That's about it for now.  Hopefully I'll have 1 more belly pic to post when I hit 40 weeks (have failed on those too) and then next post after that will be about how Harper entered the world!

Monday, February 20, 2017

38 week belly pic

How Far Along: 38 weeks

Total Weight Gain:  No idea:P (goal at 40 weeks was 40 lbs)

Maternity Clothes:  Growing out of all my shirts.  Only a select few will cover my entire belly now:(

Movement:  Has quiet days and very jumpy days.  Yesterday was a quiet day.  Today was a HOLY COW day!

Sleep:  Sinuses still blocked which is causing a problem for my husband rather than me since it is making me snore.  He is being good about it though.  He thinks it's funny more than anything  Peeing at 2 hour intervals.  I'll be ready for all those night time feedings!

Gender:  GIRL!

Symptoms:  Pubic and tail bone pain, vagina pain, round ligament pain at times, carpal tunnel syndrome, hands and feet swelling, leg cramps when sleeping, sore feet, gigantor boobies that both my hubby and my son laugh at:/, back pain, restless leg syndrome in the evenings, lack of bladder control:/

Cravings:  biggest one is still cereal.

Things I Miss:  shaving my legs, painting toes, putting on my shoes, bending over without farting, working out, sushi (!), sitting in my work chair (or any chair) without being in pain, my normal sized boobs, chasing after my son.

Highlight of the Week/Month:  Losing my mucus plug!

Last Appointment:  2/15 - OB check with doctor; boring appt, did a cervical check but there was no action yet.

Next Appointment:  Wednesday, 2/22 - regular biweekly OB check-up

Preggo Lifesavers:  cat/cow yoga pose, nursing tanks, maternity pjs, pantiliners, really cold water (lol!)

Monday, February 13, 2017

37 week rant

I think it's safe to say that I have officially hit my wall.  I posted this on my facebook feed the other day:
Was waddling past my February calendar this morning and actually read the quote. "All that is important comes in quietness and waiting". You've gotta be kidding me...3 more weeks and I am DONE!!!  So very tired of waiting. I can't sit, lay down, or stand, without discomfort. I can't dress myself or put on my own darn shoes without wincing in pain. My 3 yr old son had to put my socks on yesterday😆. I've never realized until recently how often I have to bend down to pick up random crap in this house.  Every time I do so, my back nearly goes out and every bone in my body cracks. I'm done with the swelling...trying so hard to put on my shoes only to realize that they don't fit anymore - even my tongue and sinuses are swollen so I can't talk normally and I have turned in to a perpetual mouth-breather. Done with needing to pee every hour, the random numbness in my arms and hands, charlie horses at 3am after I have FINALLY fallen asleep, I now snore even when I'm awake...LOL. But yes calendar, I'll just sit here, shut up, and continue to wait if you say so. uncomfortable as I am, I'll try to savor these last few weeks and focus on the positive - the pain is only temporary and it'll be worth it to finally see her sweet lil face!

Monday, January 30, 2017

34 week belly pic

How Far Along: 34 weeks

Total Weight Gain:  35 lbs. (goal at 40 weeks is now 40 lbs)

Maternity Clothes:  Duh!

Movement:  Yes, quite a bit.

Sleep:  Sinuses still blocked.  Starting to pee very often at 3 hr intervals.

Gender:  GIRL!

Symptoms:  Pubic and tail bone pain, vagina pain, round ligament pain at times, belly button pain (!), carpal tunnel syndrome, hands and feet swelling, leg cramps when sleeping, sore feet, gigantor boobies that both my hubby and my son laugh at:/, back pain, restless leg syndrome in the evenings, lack of bladder control:/

Cravings:  biggest one is still cereal.

Things I Miss:  shaving my legs, painting toes, putting on my shoes, bending over without farting, working out, sushi (!), sitting in my work chair (or any chair) without being in pain, my normal sized boobs, chasing after my son.

Highlight of the Week/Month:  Pretty boring month!  Baby girl is still healthy and time is flying by!

Last Appointment:  12/28 - OB check with doctor

Next Appointment:  Wednesday, 1/25 - regular biweekly OB check-up

Preggo Lifesavers:  cat/cow yoga pose, nursing tanks, maternity pjs, pantiliners

Monday, January 9, 2017

32 week belly pic

How Far Along: 32 weeks

Total Weight Gain:  33 lbs. (goal at 40 weeks is 35 lbs)

Maternity Clothes:  Yup!  Starting to grow out of my current shoes.  Had to get bigger underwear - this time, using maternity underwear (so much more comfortable than regular underwear)

Movement:  Yes, pretty active frequently.  She woke me up around 2 am with her dancing.  She was seemed to be practicing her snow angels - very uncomfortable.

Sleep:  The maternity pillow has come out occasionally.  Don't really need it yet, but it helps my hips from getting too sore.  Biggest hindrance to sleep right now are my sinuses - they've been backed up for the last 2-3 weeks.

Gender:  GIRL!

Symptoms:  starting to have pubic and tail bone pain, vagina pain, round ligament pain at times, belly button pain (!), carpal tunnel syndrome, hands and feet swelling, leg cramps when sleeping, sore feet, gigantor boobies that both my hubby and my son laugh at:/, back pain, restless leg syndrome in the evenings, lack of bladder control:/

Cravings:  biggest one is still cereal.

Things I Miss:  shaving my legs, painting toes, putting on my shoes, bending over without farting, working out, sushi (!), sitting in my work chair (or any chair) without being in pain, my normal sized boobs, chasing after my son.

Highlight of the Week/Month:  Holidays and finding out that placenta has moved 6+ cm away from my cervix!  Do not have to see MFM anymore and I now have a normal pregnancy!  Also, all clear for gestational diabetes:)

Last Appointment:  12/28 - OB check with doctor

Next Appointment:  Wednesday, 1/11 - regular biweekly OB check-up

Preggo Lifesavers:  cat/cow yoga pose, nursing tanks, maternity pjs, pantiliners