My Baby Tracker

Monday, February 20, 2017

38 week belly pic

How Far Along: 38 weeks

Total Weight Gain:  No idea:P (goal at 40 weeks was 40 lbs)

Maternity Clothes:  Growing out of all my shirts.  Only a select few will cover my entire belly now:(

Movement:  Has quiet days and very jumpy days.  Yesterday was a quiet day.  Today was a HOLY COW day!

Sleep:  Sinuses still blocked which is causing a problem for my husband rather than me since it is making me snore.  He is being good about it though.  He thinks it's funny more than anything  Peeing at 2 hour intervals.  I'll be ready for all those night time feedings!

Gender:  GIRL!

Symptoms:  Pubic and tail bone pain, vagina pain, round ligament pain at times, carpal tunnel syndrome, hands and feet swelling, leg cramps when sleeping, sore feet, gigantor boobies that both my hubby and my son laugh at:/, back pain, restless leg syndrome in the evenings, lack of bladder control:/

Cravings:  biggest one is still cereal.

Things I Miss:  shaving my legs, painting toes, putting on my shoes, bending over without farting, working out, sushi (!), sitting in my work chair (or any chair) without being in pain, my normal sized boobs, chasing after my son.

Highlight of the Week/Month:  Losing my mucus plug!

Last Appointment:  2/15 - OB check with doctor; boring appt, did a cervical check but there was no action yet.

Next Appointment:  Wednesday, 2/22 - regular biweekly OB check-up

Preggo Lifesavers:  cat/cow yoga pose, nursing tanks, maternity pjs, pantiliners, really cold water (lol!)

Monday, February 13, 2017

37 week rant

I think it's safe to say that I have officially hit my wall.  I posted this on my facebook feed the other day:
Was waddling past my February calendar this morning and actually read the quote. "All that is important comes in quietness and waiting". You've gotta be kidding me...3 more weeks and I am DONE!!!  So very tired of waiting. I can't sit, lay down, or stand, without discomfort. I can't dress myself or put on my own darn shoes without wincing in pain. My 3 yr old son had to put my socks on yesterday😆. I've never realized until recently how often I have to bend down to pick up random crap in this house.  Every time I do so, my back nearly goes out and every bone in my body cracks. I'm done with the swelling...trying so hard to put on my shoes only to realize that they don't fit anymore - even my tongue and sinuses are swollen so I can't talk normally and I have turned in to a perpetual mouth-breather. Done with needing to pee every hour, the random numbness in my arms and hands, charlie horses at 3am after I have FINALLY fallen asleep, I now snore even when I'm awake...LOL. But yes calendar, I'll just sit here, shut up, and continue to wait if you say so. uncomfortable as I am, I'll try to savor these last few weeks and focus on the positive - the pain is only temporary and it'll be worth it to finally see her sweet lil face!