My Baby Tracker

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Meditation CDs, test results, & sense of smell

I went ahead and bought the Circle and Bloom mp3 set for myself for xmas and really like it already. Was doing meditation sporadically with some free iphone apps before but Circle & Bloom is specifically targeted to IVF and is guided so really helps me out. Each session out of 20 or so total sessions are to be listened on specific days of your IVF cycle, so I'm hoping that will help me to be more diligent with keeping up with it. I like things to be regimented, scheduled (does not really help me let go and let God, but it makes me feel like I'm doing my part - which I do have full control over). 

I got my FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and E2 (estradiol) numbers back. FSH is 6.4 and E2 is 89. FSH level is good - below 9.  But RE said E2 is a bit high - they like it under 80, but it's below 100, so it's adequate. If it was much higher, it could artifically supress my FSH number. Still waiting on AMH. I will probably get that result next Thursday. So feeling relieved somewhat. Still uneasy about E2 level and jittery about what my AMH will come back at, but nothing I can do about that right now.

But the main focus for me right now is to get my damn sense of smell back! Went to a nose doc and she gave me Prednisone and Nasonex (cleared those with RE who said those were fine - just need to be off those meds after CD1 of next IVF cycle) so we'll see what happens. She didn't think it had anything to do with the hormones though - probably more like the slightest of colds that brought it on. Wierd...

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