My Baby Tracker

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Bleeding hangover

I got an order for bloodwork and ultrasound today from my RE.  The on-call doc who I spoke with yesterday night said it was mainly to ease my mind - but I don't know.  I would think they'd want some reassurance too.  I got my bloodwork done already and I'll go in for ultrasound in about an hour.  I'm hoping that I can talk the tech in to talking to me more and showing me the screen this time since my anxiety levels will be thru the roof I bet.

I started bleeding last night after dinner.  I was cleaning up and felt a lot of wetness down there.  I peeked in my undies and saw bright red.  My stomach dropped and I went to sit on the toilet and got a pantyliner.  More blood came out.  Bright red, not clotty though and not gushing - more of a drip drip drip.  There is absolutely nothing like seeing that bright red color in the toilet though when you are pregnant.  My mind immediately thought the worst.  I bled pretty much all night.  I soaked thru a pantyliner and then it seemed to slow down.  When I woke this morning, it was more of a brown discharge.  So hopefully it's over.

Right after I started bleeding, I called my RE and left a message for the on-call doc.  She called me back within the hour and told me that 9 times out of 10, bleeding doesn't lead to anything.  Cervix is sensitive, could be breakthru bleeding, etc.  I had mild cramping too and asked about that.  She said it was probably nothing but to ease my mind, go in for monitoring tomorrow.  I was supposed to go on a 12 hour site visit today to southern Indiana which would involve walking around all day in 90 degree heat.  I asked if I should cancel going to this and she said that walking would not be the issue, but dehydration and heat would.  So I canceled that trip and opted to work from home instead today.  Probably for the best as I am now able to go get an ultrasound - which I need to start getting ready for... so I'll post again after.  Hopefully I have good news to report.

Please God again... please let us keep this baby.

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