My Baby Tracker

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

6w2d...Oh great - I have a SCH:/

I got the call back from my nurse recently.  Beta is up to 13756 and progesterone is 46 - really good.  My nurse also confirmed that my ultrasound results were good.  Baby is right on track.

BUT I have a moderately sized SCH (subchorionic hemorrhage).  I've heard of many IVFers who get these.  Both they and their babies have survived - but they often report sudden episodes of gushing blood combined with passing clots.  VERY scary indeed!  It's a mystery what these things actually are and how they come to be, but essentially they are a pocket of blood within the uterus that can cause bleeding episodes and sometime in worst cases, a miscarriage if the SCH affects the placenta.  I don't quite know where mine was in relation to the sac.  I now know what that 2nd spot was that the tech was measuring and it seemed like it was a fair enough distance away.  So hopefully the danger of it affecting the placenta (which is still developing right now) is minimal.  Often times, these SCHs resolve on their own.  Other times, they last a lot longer - sometimes the entire pregnancy.  Prognosis seems to vary from doctor to doctor.  Some will be all gloom and doom and will give a 50/50 chance of miscarriage and prescribe progesterone & bedrest.  Others brush it off, just monitor the pregnancy closer, and recommend to take it easy.  My clinic seems to take the latter approach - although I'm still on progesterone.  We will just have to wait and see what happens with me though.  The nurse said that we really can't do anything about it but I should stay on pelvic rest and take it easy until we see the size going down.  I am so glad the baby is ok though.  And I'm trying to focus on my nurse saying that most of the time SCHs are just scary and annoying.  She said to call if I experience bleeding again and they'll have me go in to get checked out.  My next ultrasound/bloodwork appointment will be next Tuesday unless I start bleeding again.  


  1. Been following you for a while and glad to hear the great beta numbers! That is significant. I had a SCH my entire twin pregnancy and multiple scary bleeds. Ended up on bed rest most of my pregnancy but carried my boys to 35 weeks and they are super healthy 2 1/2 year olds now. Hang in there and rest up as much as you can! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

    1. Thanks so much! That's good to know. These things are so scary. Had my 2nd bleed today:/ As if we haven't been thru enough!
