My Baby Tracker

Monday, April 22, 2013

Today's progesterone level

I had my progesterone level checked this morning and my level is way back up to 57.  Yay!  They are having me decrease my dose from 1.5cc to 1.0cc and retest the level again next Monday.  The nurse was so sympathetic when talking to me today though.  She said "I know honey, it's almost over".  Ugh!  I hope so.  My butt is so lumpy and swollen from all the needles, I'm going to need a butt transplant once this is all over!  We'll see what my level is next week. 

We have our nuchal translucency scan tomorrow afternoon.  I'm not too worried about it.  I don't know if I'm being naïve but I just feel like the test will come back fine.  My fingers are still crossed though.  Excited to see the baby again and hope we get some more good pictures.  Baby is still doing good - I've gotten out the Doppler only every other day since Thursday so I'm getting better (Heh heh!).  The heart rate is down to about 150-160 which is exactly what is should be doing.  The bpm initially shoots up to 170-180 at around 8-9 weeks and then decreases as it nears the 1st trimester.  It gets lower after that but levels out at a rate that is still much higher than the mother's own heart rate.

I also scheduled our gender scan for the 16 week mark on May 18th!  Sooooo excited for that one:)  We could wait to get it done at our OB's office at 20 weeks, but I want to know as soon as possible so we are going to a private ultrasound clinic.  If the baby doesn't cooperate or if it is still too early, we can reschedule for free.  I REALLY don't care if it's a boy or girl either way, but I just want to start referring to it as a 'he' or 'she' rather than 'it' and we can start picking names.  Plus once we know, then we can start planning out the nursery décor.  Fun stuff!  My hubby is so excited he has already cleaned out the room that we're planning to use.  He is on vacation this week and I got home today to see that he cleared out everything that once was in that room (including the contents of the closet)!  LOL!


  1. Everything sounds great. Congrats on reaching 12 weeks!

  2. Thanks! Been following your blog. Congrats on the twinkies! That's great you've made it to 9 weeks:))
