My Baby Tracker

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

NT scan today

We had our Nuchal Translucency scan today.  The scan is a type of ultrasound that measures the thickness of fluid at the back of the neck (aka 'the nuchal fold').  Cutoff values vary but generally, measurements higher than 2.5-3mm are markers for chromosomal abnormalities such as Down Syndrome and Trisomy 18.  The NT scan will only detect a certain percentage of abnormalities on it's own - but when done as a part of 1st semester and 2nd semester screening (which are just blood tests: the first I did today and looks at the level of hCG and PAPP-A at 11-14 weeks; the second test is done at 16 weeks and tests levels of hCG, AFP, inhibin A, and estriol 3), it will detect about 90% of pregnancies where the baby has Down Syndrome or Trisomy 18.  It will also detect about 80% of babies with an open neural tube defect.  This is great because while I do have a relatively low risk of 1:465 of abnormalities, I am not getting any younger.  Since I am 34, I want to know my individual risk (not just based on my age) without having to go through invasive testing like CVS or amniocentesis, both of which have risks of miscarriage.  The result of the test is not a simple 'positive' or 'negative' - rather, it is a ratio of the likelihood of having a baby with an abnormality.  If the ratio is high, we can be more certain our baby is okay.  If the ratio is low, then we can see if we want to go on to an amnio and get a more definitive result.  I will find out what our ratio is on Monday.  At 16 weeks I'll get bloodwork again and they'll give me the final ratio. 

Our NT scan went well!  Baby was resting but would occasionally hop around.  It was moving it's arms and legs around too.  It kept touching it's face like it was thinking or wiping it's brow:)  The measurements of the nuchal fold ranged from 1.5-2.1mm - normal range, especially with baby's crown to rump length (CRL).  The allowable measurement for the nuchal fold increases with increased CRL.  Our baby is measuring 13w2d today too.  This is also a good sign as sometimes slow growth rate can be a marker of problems too.  Baby is nearly a week ahead!  Again, doesn't change my due date - that's just how the baby is growing right now.  They usually slow down in the 2nd trimester.  Here are a couple pics (the 2nd pic is where baby was touching it's face:)

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