My Baby Tracker

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Getting ready!

Last weekend before IVF starts and I'm almost ready. Got the house clean, paid bills, did taxes, signed all our consent forms (which rivals the paperwork required for a mortgage). Still need to double check my inventory to make sure I have all my meds. Pretty sure I have everything though. First weekend in awhile that I did not workout. Feel kinda lazy but docs orders after polyp surgery to not do strenuous activity for a couple days. So not letting it get to me. I am going to be on a strenuous workout hiatus until I either get a negative beta or give birth. I'll continue walking when possible and will start stretching/light yoga but heavy lifting, HIIT workouts, etc are no-nos for awhile. Don't want to push too hard and end up with 'ovarian torsion'!

So things to do tomorrow: get acupuncture appointments lined up & call RE to ask about my period-like bleeding. Hopefully it's not a big deal. Need to figure out what to do next couple weekends to keep my mind & body occupied. Don't want to just sit on the couch driving myself crazy with goggling stuff. I've gone thru my 'hobby room' and found a bunch of stuff to hang up so maybe I'll do that and paint the guest room or something. That would be a good project! Too bad it isn't nice out or I could do some gardening too! I've started regular meditation too so that should be a stress reliever.

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