My Baby Tracker

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Day 9 of stims update

So I had a post all typed up last night but it never posted. Now I can't find it:/. So I have to re type. Lol. 

Today is day 9 of stims. Things are going well so far. I started monitoring last Tuesday and was monitored twice more after that on Thursday and Saturday. I go in again tomorrow morning. Things are moving slower than last time. Last time I triggered on day 9. I seem to have plenty of follicles but they are just growing slower. At my last check I had 19 follicles, the largest 3 at 13mm. 8 others b/n 10 and 13mm. The rest are smaller. I also have a huge 3cm cyst on my left ovary. The doc isn't concerned about it but its taking up a lot of space. Ironically, my left side has the most follies.  I've already gone thru twice of what I stimmed on last time and have ordered more drugs twice. I'm over my limit of $5k for ivf drugs:( The other day I had to fork over $1200 for my refill. Ugh. I really hope I trigger Monday or Tuesday. Otherwise, I'll have to order more drugs. Plus I just wanna get this over with. 

My emotional state has been in a word unknown. Up until Friday I was working on a tough deadline for work. So I did not have time to think about anything else. Now that that is over though, I can't really say how I'm feeling. I think I'm afraid to get excited or really think about anything right now. My stimming has been slightly worrisome but each time the nurse says I'm doing good. I have to remember that last time I was "rambunctious" and they had me at lower doses in order to reign me in. It's just very interesting that only 3 years later I am going so much slower. Oh well. 

The fact that I'm going slow is annoying schedule-wise. ER is looking like it could be Wednesday thru Friday.  It depends on how I look tomorrow. If I've had a lot of growth, maybe I'll trigger tomorrow for a Wednesday ER. But if things are still uncertain I'll have to order more drugs and ER might be Thursday or Friday. My husband has something here on Friday morning that he cannot reschedule so that will be VERY annoying. 

Then after ER we will have more uncertainty in terms of when transfer will be. It will be either a 3-day or 5-day transfer. It will be a 3-day transfer if we have a small number of embies. If we have a lot that still look good, it will be a 5-day transfer. We won't know this until the morning of day-3.  So it would be nice if day-3 falls on a weekend so I don't have to skip work at the last minute. We basically have to have our bags packed cuz we'll have to leave right after we get that call if we end up doing a day-3. At first we were wanting to do PGS (where they screen the embies for genetic issues like downs, trisomy, etc) but we cannot do it anymore because the embryologist who does the biopsies will be at a conference when our embryos reach day-5. So we were given the choice of either moving forward without PGS or postponing until the next cycle. Work wise that would not have been good for me as I have more deadlines mid-November. Plus at the time, we thought my unemployed husband was going to have a job in November and thus would have a hard time getting the time off. So we decided to just move forward. Well my deadlines were shifted around and hubby didn't get the job he was close to getting so looks like he will still be unemployed in November. Anyway, we coulda put it off I guess is my point - then we could've done PGS. But another reason for moving forward in October was purely superstitious as my first unsuccessful ivf occurred in November 2012. Argh. Can't change it now. 

So as usual all the uncertainty is starting to get to me. Plus I'm hormonal and hubby still has a mess upstairs. I've been a grump all week with my deadline too but yesterday we had an argument centered around me being fed up with the mess and his inactivity. So today he's cleaning it up. In the meantime, I'm gonna pull some weeds, maybe go on a bike ride to the playground with my son and enjoy this lovely October weather!  I'm gonna try to leave the rest of this stuff up to God. Worst case, we luckily have some of hubbies sperm on ice at the clinic so if the ER ends up being Friday and he can't be there, we won't be totally screwed.  I'll post an update after I talk to the nurses tomorrow!

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