My Baby Tracker

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

2dp5dt update

I got a call this morning that our compacting embryo did not make it. This was not a surprise. But I still felt a twinge of sadness. I feel like maybe we should've transferred it just so it could be where it's supposed to be and not die in an incubator - but it doesn't matter now. And it didn't really "die". It just stopped developing. I have to keep reminding myself that these embryos are not babies yet. They are packets or clusters of cells that could turn in to a baby. But they have not reached that stage yet. Not until they at least implant in to the uterine wall and I get my BFP. If I think of them as babies now, I will get too emotionally invested. So I did fine with the news. Like I said, it was no surprise. An embryo not even at the morula stage on day 5 is not a strong embryo. 

So all attention is now back on the 2 that we transferred on Monday. Hopefully at least one is still thriving and is about to or has implanted.  I will test to see if my trigger is still present tomorrow evening. Tomorrow will be 10 days post trigger. Hopefully it's gone. I will definitely need to poas earlier than my beta next Wednesday because I just found out that I need to be in a meeting from 2-5 that day. Ugh!  That's right within the window that they'd be calling. Plus today I was also in a meeting when they called about the embryo. Instead of leaving a message they made me call them back. So when I get outta this meeting at 5 next week, the clinic will be already closed and if they haven't left a message with the results, I won't be able to call back until Thursday!  I'll just have to ask them to call my hubby I guess if they don't reach me. I MUST have the news that day!  HPTs are somewhat reliable but not like beta tests.  Plus if it's a bfn, I will want definitive results ASAP so I can have closure and start thinking about next time. 

As far as symptons, nothing really of course.  I am only 2dp5dt. Some things I am feeling are cramping, general soreness in my belly, ovarian aches, it sorta feels like I've been doing crunches - belly is just sore. I am VERY bloated too. I stepped on the scale thinking that I musta gained 5-10 lbs in the last couple weeks. Nope - lost 3 lbs!  Lol. So anyway, not much else to report. I'll post again once I know my trigger is gone!

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