My Baby Tracker

Thursday, October 17, 2013

38 week OB check

We had our 38 week checkup yesterday.  It also included a follow-up to the ultrasound we had on Tuesday.  My doctor confirmed what we were thinking.  Baby is not that big after all (still larger than average though at the 60th percentile) and a vaginal delivery will be what we plan for unless things aren't progressing well during labor or they find that baby's head won't fit.  Yay!  

Actual c-sections don't really scare me - it's the recovery process that I really don't want to have to deal with.  It'll be bad enough as it is not getting any sleep and having an infant permanently attached to my boob for the first couple weeks/months - much less dealing with the complications of having an incision to care for/protect.  I did still ask the doctor what the typical recovery time is like for a c-section just so we know what to expect.  She said they usually require a 3 day hospital stay and then taking it very easy at home - no driving for 2 weeks and lots of pain meds.  I was happy to hear it would probably only be a 3 day hospital stay but no driving for 2 weeks is something I was not thrilled about.  Neither is popping pain pills (can't even justify taking advil/tylenol sometimes) and feeding can be tricky too.  Plus, exercise would have to be postponed for a longer period of time than a vaginal delivery would require.  I was and still am prepared for the possibility that I might end up needing a c-section and trying to keep on thinking about it positively - at least I won't have to deal with a stretched out hoohaa and possible tearing (yikes!), c-section scars are virtually invisible these days, and I'll probably get 2 extra weeks of short term disability pay - so I'll end up with 8 weeks paid and 4 weeks unpaid instead of the 6 and 6 week split that vaginal deliveries typically qualify for.  Anyway, we'll see!  

The rest of the visit was routine.  She checked baby's heartbeat which was great, measured fundal height (distance from top of uterus to top of pubic bone) which was right on, and checked my cervix which was oh so painful!  My cervix was very high and closed - she had to really reach for it which was why it was so painful I guess.  So no action here whatsoever.  I feel so much pressure down there though.  I can't imagine what it will feel like once baby starts really pressing on that cervix!  Next appointment will be next week and will be looking for the same things.  Hope to see something start happening soon!

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