My Baby Tracker

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

37 week belly pic

How Far Along: 37 weeks

Total Weight Gain:  38 lbs (goal at 40 weeks was 35 lbs - goal is now 42 lbs)

Maternity Clothes:  Had to resort to getting reinforcements last week.  But I tried to get shirts with low or button down necklines for nursing.  Fav purchase are my new maternity yoga pants.  So comfy!

Movement:  Still lots of shifting.  Noticeable limbs protruding from my belly now.  He seems to always be head down though!

Sleep:  Same as last week - very tired but too uncomfortable to get quality sleep.  Am up every 2-3 hours to change positions or pee.  I guess it's all in preparation for taking care of a newborn!

Gender:  still a BOY!

Symptoms:  new ones are menstrual-like cramps, pelvic pressure, and breathlessness... and then the usual ones: pubic bone pain, vagina pain (like a sharp, stabbing pain), round ligament pain at times, Braxton Hicks contractions, carpal tunnel syndrome, hands beginning round 2 of swelling (my wedding ring barely fits on my pinky now - ugh, so sad!), leg cramps when sleeping, sore feet, bones all over body crack when first getting up to move, tailbone pain, feet swelling, still SO HOT all the time.

Cravings:  still ice cream - specifically coffee ice cream!

Things I Miss:  stamina, bending over, ability to walk normally, my wedding ring, regular underwear!

Highlight of the Week:  not baby related - finishing my deadline on time while still remaining as calm as possible!  Usually I get so frazzled during deadlines.  This time wasn't that bad - lots of pressure was on my shoulders but I kept my sanity:)

Last Appointment:  today, 10/15 - 38 week ultrasound check for fetal weight.  Baby is 6 lbs. 11 oz., head is 9 cm.  Not too big!  This means he probably won't be a 9-10 pounder:)

Next Appointment:  tomorrow, 10-16 - OB check, discussion of u/s, and cervix check

Preggo Lifesavers:  maternity belt, boppy cuddle pillow, adjustable flip flops, ceiling fans.

1 comment:

  1. I have read your entire blog and it is such a baeutiful journey. Enjoy blessed woman!
