My Baby Tracker

Monday, October 21, 2013

38 week belly pic

How Far Along: 38 weeks

Total Weight Gain:   41 lbs (goal at 40 weeks was 35 lbs - goal is now 42 lbs)

Maternity Clothes:  Yup!  Still in maternity wear - lol.  This week I ordered some postpartum girdles and belly wrap.  We'll see how those work out!  Will be sure to post all about these in the months to follow.

Movement:  Movements are still pretty frequent but slow.  Still would describe them as shifting rather than kicking.  He was head down for our u/s last week and am pretty sure he has not moved from that position.  He was lying on his side too so I think the shifting that I feel is him rolling over in my belly.  Placenta is located at the top of my uterus so I'm not worried about a cord accident or anything.

Sleep:  Soooo tired.  Daily naps are starting to be a necessity.  Will be taking one during lunch today!

Gender:  still a BOY!

Symptoms:  menstrual-like cramps, pelvic pressure, breathlessness, pubic bone pain (this just gets worse and worse), vagina pain (like a sharp, stabbing pain - don't know if this is from my cervix or the actual birth canal), round ligament pain at times, Braxton Hicks contractions, carpal tunnel syndrome, swelling -  hands beginning round 2 of swelling (my wedding ring barely fits on my pinky now - ugh, so sad!); wrist is too big for my watch now, sore feet, bones all over body crack when first getting up to move, tailbone pain, feet swelling, still SO HOT all the time.

Cravings:  still ice cream - specifically coffee ice cream!

Things I Miss:  stamina, bending over, ability to walk normally, my wedding ring, regular underwear!

Highlight of the Week:  visits from my mom and sisters this weekend!  U/S last week confirming that baby is not a giant - just at the 60th percentile:)

Last Appointment:  10/16 - OB check.  Cervix was high and closed up tight.  She confirmed that a vaginal birth is a good possibility.

Next Appointment:  this Wednesday, 10-23 - OB check and cervix check

Preggo Lifesavers:  maternity belt, boppy cuddle pillow, adjustable flip flops, ceiling fans, pedicures!

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