My Baby Tracker

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Some spotting

Wow what a waste of a weekend!  Yesterday I was exhausted.  Woke up at 8am, ate breakfast, and then went right back to bed until noon!  I don't remember the last time I did that.  When I finally got up I was still very groggy and just laid around all day watching basketball despite my best intentions to clean the house. 

Today I was going to make up for yesterday but that didn't happen either.  While at church this morning, I almost had to leave because I felt like I was going to puke.  I made it thru though and felt a lot better once I was outside again.  Since I felt okay, hubby and I went right from there to the grocery store to do our weekly shopping.  Felt fine still but got home and went to the bathroom and there was a bunch of brown spotting in my underwear!  And no, I did not have a #2 accident - hubby had to ask that of course!  I had a minor version of this 1.5 weeks ago after our first ultrasound.  There was a tiny bit of brown discharge or blood in my undies but it went away pretty quick.  I called my clinic and the nurse said that over 50% of their patients have spotting in the first trimester.  She also said that I have a "friable" cervix - I guess it's just another way for saying that it is sensitive - and the ultrasound probe may have bumped it slightly causing the cervix to get irritated and bleed a bit.  I also had a ton of bleeding right after my transfer so it could be old blood from that too.  I wonder if that procedure made my cervix "friable" or if it was "friable" before that and that was why I bled so badly?  Anyway, she said if it gets red and I start having severe cramping to call again and I may need to go to the ER to get checked out.  None of that ever happened of course and I just continued as if it never happened... until I saw brown spotting again this morning.  There was a lot of it this time too - it was unmistakable; 1.5 weeks ago I really had to kind of squint to see it.  So that freaked me out, I started feeling mild cramping, and so I decided to just relax for the day again instead of being on my feet cleaning.  Since it is Sunday, I can not call my clinic and even if I could, I know I would get the same response as before.  I have my first OB appointment tomorrow anyway so they can check me and the baby out then and make sure everything is still okay.  Until then, I just have to sit tight and think positively. 

I have not had any more spotting show up on the pantiliner that I put on after first seeing the spotting this morning - it's just there sometimes when I wipe.  Granted I have been off my feet all day but I did get up for an hour or so to get dinner ready in the crockpot and there was no spotting after that either.  My cramping is very faint now and it's no different than what I've been feeling throughout this pregnancy.  So I know that I should not be worried - but it is still unnerving!  Of course since I was sitting on the couch all day, I was passing the time by looking up stuff on google.  Lucky for me, I did not find too many negative stories among women who had similar symptoms to me at 8 weeks.  So we'll see what happens tomorrow.  Fingers crossed that everything is a-okay.

In other more exciting news, I went out Friday and got a BeBand and some other basics.  Some more underwear with no defined waistband, a couple larger t-shirts, cardigans that I don't need to button up, and some cute scarves to hide my blossoming bosoms and draw attention away from my waistline.  So hopefully that will make me feel better at work and will tide me over until I can wear my flowy summer tops!

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