My Baby Tracker

Friday, March 8, 2013

90 hours & radiation exposure

Not much has been going on for the last couple days. Just trying to avoid dwelling on everything that can possibly go wrong. The first ultrasound is Tuesday morning now instead of Wednesday – so just 90 hours away instead of 114 hours! My clinic wants me to go in for bloodwork next Tuesday just to test my progesterone levels and so I asked if I could move my ultrasound appointment so it would be on the same day and I wouldn’t have to make two trips to the clinic. They said that would be fine. A day earlier shouldn’t matter. They wanted me to do the first ultrasound between 6.5 and 7.5 weeks. Wednesday I’ll be 6w4d and Tuesday will be 6w3d so I’m a hair shy of 6.5 weeks on Tuesday. Hoping that we still see something. Also hoping we get a nice ultrasound tech who will let us look at the monitor and tell us what she’s seeing. When I was getting monitored for my follicle sizes, some of them would shield the screen so I couldn’t see anything but then others were very open about it – tilted the screen toward me and reviewed their findings with me. Really don’t want to wait all day to hear the results from my clinic!!

Funny thing happened today. I come in to the office this morning and there was a huge “CAUTION RADIATION” sign in the kitchenette. I emailed our HR person and asked her if that meant that we should stay away from the kitchen area. She forwarded my email (including my name, etc) to the Construction Manager and the Assistant Const. Manager (who I guess authorized a nuclear gauge to be stored in a closet in the kitchen – it is used on construction projects I guess) and asked them “is it was okay for a pregnant woman to be around the kitchen with the nuke gauge in the closet or should we move the gauge?”…!! I never told her I was pregnant (she did know I was doing IVF though) and wanted to wait until I at least had a couple good ultrasounds under my belt before I told her and my boss. I wasn’t going to tell the rest of the office until I was in the 2nd trimester. LOL! Oh well. Hopefully the construction people will keep their mouth shut and I’ll have to tell our HR person that I want to keep it quiet until I’m out of the woods! I don’t know how she immediately jumped to that conclusion without even asking me though! I mean I would still have been bothered by radiation in the kitchen if I wasn’t pregnant. In the meantime I guess I just have to hold my breath when I’m in the area or something! Good thing my desk is a good distance away from there.


  1. Love your blog! No need to worry, I have a good feeling that this little bean is going to be around for another 45 weeks!!!

  2. Thanks for the well-wishes Chel!
