My Baby Tracker

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Backdoor way to view

For past day I've been trying to get on to to check my hCG numbers to see where they fall but each time I get a "no site found" message.  So I don't know what happened to the site - if it's just temporary, or if it'll be down for a more extended period of time.  I did a quick google search.  Apparently the site is down a lot. Ha ha!  Among the many search results, I found a post on a random forum that explained how to get on even though the site is down.  Here is an excerpt of the post:
"....I happened to remember a website called the Internet Wayback Machine. You basically type in a web address and then choose what date/year you want to see it to see how the website has progressed over the years. I put in the website for Betabase - pushed search - held my breath - and low and behold there was Betabase right in front of my face! Now, granted the most recent date they had was for 2008 but I don't care. I'll take whatever they have.

Then I wondered if any of the links would be active...again I held my breath and clicked on the "singleton" chart and "multiples" chart and after a minute it finally retrieved the beta charts! Halleleujah!"

Here is the site the poster was talking about*/  The site will show you a range of dates to pick from.  The latest date on this site is Nov 24, 2012 - good enough!  I guess it's a snapshot of what was on the site on that date.  Anyway, it worked like a charm!  The doubling calculator doesn't work but at least you can see the data.  The average hCG level for 24 dpo is 3411 - so I am nearly double that!  The scary thing is that I'm right at the average for twin pregnancies of 6804!  Yikes!  Well, these are just averages though.  When you click on '24 dpo' to see more detail, most of the levels fall in a range higher than mine - and when you click on the detailed view for single pregnancies, I'm right within range.  So hopefully that's the case!  Twinkies would be exciting but terrifying.  I don't think my petite body would be able to handle it and I'd be worried about the health risks to me and the babies.  So fingers crossed that we see a heartbeat next week and that it is just one heartbeat!


  1. Thank you for this! I was trying to find Betabase the whole day.

    Thank you!
