My Baby Tracker

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Acupuncture & meditation

Ugh - have been so busy last couple days. Haven't had a chance to post! The upside of telling work about my upcoming IVF procedure is that I don't have to stress about taking the time off that i need - but the downside is that they are putting a ton of pressure on me to get stuff done before I need to start daily monitoring and am out for egg retrieval and embryo transfer:( Oh well!

Something I am doing this cycle is acupuncture. My insurance will cover 70% of the cost as long as the acupuncturist codes it as 'pain management'. I do really believe in the benefits though. I was complaining to her about why my period was so late during my appointment yesterday afternoon. Since I didn't really have any Lupron side effects to counteract she customized my treatment to focus on getting my period to show and low and behold, she came last night. So I'm a believer! I am going to do 1 treatment next week, 2 the following week when my stimming and monitoring picks up, then 1 before egg retrieval and 1 before embryo transfer. After embryo transfer I'll go in as needed for stress reduction during 2 week wait. The office is right across the hall from my RE and they will coordinate my treatments with my appointments with RE - so it's very convenient for me.

Other things I'm doing are daily meditation - just 10 minutes at lunchtime (I get no privacy in the office so I have to go to my car to do this - definitely makes it harder to stay diligent with though). I have several free apps on my iphone for this. I am taking daily 45 minute walks with my dog. So far I'm getting the same benefits in stress reduction that my typical strenuous workouts gave me before - just unfortunately don't get as much of a calorie burn so I have put on a couple pounds, but it has leveled off. I'm taking vitamins (prenatal, DHA, CoQ10, vit E & C, calcium) and baby aspirin. Can't think of anything else! Just really focusing on staying stressfree. Also thinking about funny movies to watch after transfer. There was some study that was done with women who went to comedy clubs after transfer. They had higher implantation rates. Worth a shot - and who doesn't like to laugh anyway?:D

So last couple days I've been continuing with Lupron, patiently waiting for my period to show herself. She was 3 days late, finally showing up late last night. Now I can finally call my RE on Monday (they are closed on the weekends) and schedule my start cycle appointment, get my Follistim teaching done, and get some better dates to think about!

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