My Baby Tracker

Friday, August 5, 2016

Bleeding again - 9w4d update

This week was the first week in awhile that I didn't have an ultrasound and bloodwork on Tuesday.  It was somewhat unsettling.  But ever since last week, I've really started to feel pregnant.  I've popped out of my regular pants and am in maternity pants now and I'm getting nauseous pretty consistently in the morning and when my stomach is empty.  My boobs are also getting bigger and hurt.  So now that I have symptoms, it made me feel better about not checking up on the baby.

On Wednesday night, I went to bed and all was normal.  Since starting the suppositories, my spotting has gotten really light - definitely have more discharge though which is expected with the suppositories.  But later that night around 3am, I woke up and felt like I was leaking.  I got up and went to the bathroom, feeling more liquid coming out as I walked.  I didn't turn the light on in the bathroom, but could see a large dark puddle in my underwear.  So, then the light went on.  Sure enough - bright red and a lot of it was in my underwear.  I completely soaked thru the pantiliner I had on.  So out came the monster pads and I cleaned myself up as much as I could.  I wasn't gushing or anything - I think it had gradually pooled up in my vagina as I was sleeping and eventually spilled out with more coming out as I got up.  Same as with other bleeding episodes, the bleeding was more of a consistent dribble, no clots this time though.  After reassuring myself that this was just the SCH acting up, I went back to bed.  Of course I couldn't sleep though as I was paranoid I would leak all over my clothes and sheets and was just worried in general.  I was cramping a bit too - but it was just mild cramping and nothing really painful.  I got up twice more at about 45 minute intervals.  Each time was similar to the first time - although I hadn't soaked thru the monster pads, I still changed them since they were pretty wet.  The last time I got up, my flow was more of a drip.....drip.....drip instead of a dribble though so that made me feel better and I eventually fell asleep at around 6am.

I woke a couple hours later in the morning and didn't have much on my pad.  Although I could still feel myself leaking slightly, it wasn't anything like what I had earlier.  I still called up my OB though and they wanted me to come in later that morning for a US and a follow up with the on-call doctor (my OB was on vacation).  I went in shortly after dropping my son off at daycare and went in to ultrasound pretty quickly.  It was so incredibly refreshing to do this in my OB office now!  There was a large monitor for me to see everything and they had audio capabilities.  The tech immediately looked at the baby - no wasting time with an abdominal ultrasound first and checking my ovaries etc.  The baby looked great.  She was waving her little arms and legs around and her heartrate was a strong 181 bpm.  Finally heard the audio of her heartbeat and it was amazing!:)  Nothing like that sound... Anyway, after taking some quick growth measurements and noting that everything was consistent with 9w4d, she moved on to my SCH.  My SCH is now long and crescent shaped and lies around part of the amniotic sac.  It was not clear the relation of the SCH to the placenta, but it seems like there's a good chance that it is between the uterine wall and the placenta.  After talking to the doc, we just have to wait and see regarding placement of the placenta as it is still moving around (or rather my uterus is expanding and taking the placenta with it).  The SCH grew though - not surprising due to the bleeding I had.  It is now 6x2x2cm.  The tech noted that there were areas of light grey, indicating that it might be trying to heal.  But apparently, the SCH is not affecting the baby at this point.

I then went and met with the on-call OB and discussed the results with her.  She reiterated what the tech said - baby looked great.  Then we got in to the SCH.  She confirmed that it did grow and that unfortunately there is nothing we can do - just wait and see what happens.  She said that there are SCHs that are large and stick around for entire pregnancies and don't harm the baby - but then there are small SCHs that pop up and cause a miscarriage.  They are unpredictable in how large they will get and how long they will stick around.  Basically she said that as long as the baby is growing well, she is not concerned about the size or placement and that often times they will resolve as the baby gets larger.  She said that in the meantime I should remain on pelvic rest, continue to take it easy, & avoid heavy lifting.  She is recommending that I come in weekly though to monitor the baby and the SCH.  That is fine with me!  So I will go back in next Wednesday afternoon and will meet with my regular OB afterward.  Since yesterday, I have had only light spotting.  Hopefully it stays that way!  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the lil bugger gets smaller and that lil miss still looks as good as she did yesterday.

Here's her pic (head is on the top and the SCH is surrounding the top 3rd of the sac - the dark crescent shape):

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