My Baby Tracker

Thursday, August 18, 2016

11w5d update

I have been slacking with posting updates.  I have been so incredibly tired though and work has been beating me to a pulp:/  Anyway, I had my follow-up last Wednesday and it occurred to me that I never posted an update.  The baby was looking great!  She is measuring ahead by a couple days and her heartrate was still around 180 bpm.  Very good growth.  She was doing some little punches and cute:)  The tech then looked at the SCH.  Still there...stupid thing.  But it's getting smaller.  Closer to 5x2x1 now.  Last time it was 6x2x2.  In the photo below it looks a lot thinner.  I asked the tech where the placenta was.  She said it was on the right and the SCH was on the left.  But then my OB later contradicted that - so who knows.  My doctor office treated last Wednesday as my offical initial OB appointment and replaced the one that was scheduled for this past Monday.  Because it was my initial visit, after my ultrasound, then I got bloodwork (basic pregnancy bloodwork plus checks of iron levels due to the bleeding), got weighed (gained 2 lbs so far), took a pee test, and then I met with my OB.  The doctor who I had for Kellen has unfortunately retired.  Pretty bummed about that.  I loved her.  She was so incredibly calming.  My new OB is pretty young (pretty sure she's younger than me - which actually doesn't say much now as I'm 37 now:/).  My former OB was more motherly while this new OB is more like a girlfriend.  It's just a first impression but she seems kinda uppity too.  I still like her though and she was very reassuring about everything.  Said she bets the SCH goes away by 20 weeks and in the meantime, continue with what I'm doing.  As long as the baby is growing well, I can continue with just taking it easy, pelvic rest, no heavy lifting, etc.  She also said that while I can come in whenever I need to be reassured with a doppler heartbeat or ultrasound, I don't need to come in weekly anymore since the baby is doing so well.  If I have another red bleed though, definitely call and come in.  So I feel like I'm being taken care of now finally!  I am still taking my progesterone suppository only in the evening now and will continue until I run out.  My OB said that would be totally fine.

My next appointment is next Monday with the high risk OB.  Then I'll follow up with my regular OB next Wednesday.  We discussed 1st trimester screening and decided that I would do the NT ultrasound and blood test (panorama or similar).  Even though our embryo is a CCS normal embryo, my RE still recommends that at least 1st trimester screening and possibly an echo at 16-20 weeks is still done as it detects other issues such as spinea bifida and other non-chromosomal issues such as heart, kidney, and other organ defects, etc.  So that's what I'll do.  It's covered by insurance and is like an extra ultrasound.  Plus with my SCH, I want the high risk people to take a look at it and give me some feedback.  Their equipment is much more advanced and they will be able to tell where the SCH is in relation to the placenta.  So fingers crossed for that on Monday!  This will be the first u/s that hubby is going to.  With starting a new job and the unpredictability regarding lengths of appointments etc, he has not been able to go to my other ultrasounds.  The ones prior to the OB ultrasounds would have been just frustrating for him though cuz I'm sure they would've made him stand behind the screen.

All in all, I'm feeling pretty positive about things.  I have only been spotting sporadically - no red bleeding for almost 2 weeks.  I did start bleeding a bit 2 days after my check in week 9 - but that was short lived.  I will be 12 weeks on Sunday - nearing a milestone.  Week 12 is considered the "safe zone" when all the major organs have finished their crucial development stage.  Now further development will take place, but the most crucial phase is what happens in the 1st trimester.  Like I said, I'm still on progesterone.  I am also routinely nauseous and am definitely showing now.  I am so very tired of taking it easy and being afraid though, wondering if this pregnancy is going to last.  I try to push those thoughts far back into my mind, but they still sneak up on me from time to time.  I'm actually nervous to use my at home doppler in case I cannot find anything.  I found Kellen's at about 10 weeks but if I use it now I think I will truly have a nervous breakdown if I can't find anything.  So I might look for it right after my appointment next Monday.  That way I will be reassured if I can't find the heartrate at home since I just saw it on the screen.  Once I find it the first time, it'll be easier to find the next time I try to listen to the heartbeat and I think it will really help ease my mind if I happen to have more bleeding episodes.

Anyway, that's all for now I think as it's getting late.  Below is the pic of last week's ultrasound.  Baby's head is on the right and the SCH is on the left.

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