My Baby Tracker

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Starting up soon!

Next week will mark the official begin of our IVF cycle!  My cycle payment has been made.  Meds will arrive on Tuesday.  I have a final phone consult with my doctor on Wednesday.  Then on Thursday I will have bloodwork and if all is clear, I will start estrace until my next period (sometime around the 21st).  3 days after my period I will go in for my baseline ultrasound and bloodwork and start stims.  There is a chance that I will have a cyst in which case they may push me back a month, but for now the plan is to go this month.

It seems unreal that we will finally be starting up again after 5 looooong months of waiting.  My hubby is on-board but has mixed feelings now.  A month ago when we needed to finalize our cycle date and we talked about it, he was totally on-board.  Now however he says we should wait.  Of course as soon as I made the cycle payment and arranged for med delivery, he told me this.  Lol!  Too late bud!  Still no job (...sigh...) but at least we don't have to worry about him being able to take time off assuming he doesn't have an offer between now and the end of April.  He'll come around I think though.  He better...!  It will be pretty annoying driving all the way to NJ, staying that week in a hotel room, only to have him bitching the whole time and not wanting to be there.  That will only add to the stress.

Exact dates for when all this will go down are unknown until my next period comes.  Pretty sure I ovulated on the 7th.  I usually get my period 13 days after - so 20th-21st.  Then we'll know when we have to be in NJ, when I'm stimming, monitoring, etc.  We have to be in NJ on the morning of my 9th cycle day and will stay until retrieval.  Unknown when that will be too.  My doctor's feeling is that I triggered too late in my last cycle so ER may be earlier - who knows!  Luckily hotels are generally flexible regarding date changes and since we are driving we don't have to worry about changing flights.  I'll have to rest and take it easy the day of ER, but we will leave the day after.

So we're still waiting primarily but things are starting to fall in to place and take shape.  My cycle payment was so cheap too.  I'm hoping there aren't any hidden costs that we'll have to pay for later.  I am getting acupuncture done currently and will continue thru the cycle.  They recommend 3 sessions before ER so that will be an added, but expected, cost.  I'm trying to keep myself healthy and stress-free.  Not succeeding too well with the latter.  Actually not doing so great with taking the supplements - but some days I just can't stomach swallowing all of them.  Work is the main source of my stress.  Being on vacation during the busy time of the cycle will help a lot though.

Starting to feel anxiety regarding how many good quality embryos we will have.  I am trying HGH this time to improve egg quality.  There are some studies that show it working for some women.  Also doing acupuncture should give some improvement.  I didn't do that last time, but did on the cycle that we conceived Kellen on.  Also I can't ignore that this is a very highly rated embryology lab.  It actually says in the consents that they remove fragmentation from embryos.  So we'll just have to see how it goes.  ER will be likely the first week of May.  They will culture the embryos until day 5, then take biopsies for CCS testing, and will freeze them in hopes that there are some normal embryos in the batch that we can transfer the following month.  The results will take 2 weeks.  That wait will be excruciating!  But sometime around mid-May we will know how it went.  Of course I have 2 deadlines around mid-May so I'm counting on those to keep me busy and distracted.  The plan will be to roll right in to a frozen transfer cycle after I get my period (around 2 weeks after ER).  Assuming we have normal embryos, we will have the transfer around 6 weeks after ER.

So that's what's been happening here.  More later on Thursday!

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