My Baby Tracker

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I need a helmet

I just looked at my pregnancy tracker on my blog and realized I am almost 2 weeks away from the 3rd trimester!  Eeeek!!  It's funny how I have been pregnant for a half a year and it still hasn't hit me that we will have an actual baby in this house soon!  I still can't even believe I am actually pregnant sometimes.

Things have been going well this week.  I am pushing away my fears about our baby's ventricle and letting God and my uterus work their magic so that on September 9th when we go in again for our follow-up, all is perfect.  My mom was down this past weekend helping me paint the nursery and our guest room.  Both rooms look great!  I will post pics of the nursery sometime soon.  Now that everything is painted in there we are going thru all my hubby's childhood toys and books that his mom gave us.  We are taking an inventory of what we have so we know how much storage we will need in the room.  So it's a bit of a mess in there right now!  Our first baby shower is a week from Saturday so the goal is to have things in order by then.  Can't believe it's already time for the baby showers too!  Time is just flying by.

There was some minor drama this week though.  Monday morning I was walking in to work.  It was drizzling and I had my usual flip flops on since I can't fit in to my cute slingbacks right now.  I walk in to my building, there is a runner just inside the door, and then marble.  As soon as my feet hit the marble, down I went!  "Oh NO!!", I thought when I realized what I had just done.  Luckily I did land on my hands and knees - my belly wasn't involved whatsoever.  My arms were full of stuff that I was bringing in to work and when I fell, my arms threw everything up in the air so I could break my fall.  Funny how those instincts kick in.  But I made quite a mess.  No one was around to help me but I was glad because it was quite embarrassing!  I just got back up to my feet, collected my belongings strewn about on the floor, and continued to my office.  Once I sat down at my desk I called my OB and they told me to come in for a quick check that afternoon.  They said considering that I landed on my hands and knees, probably nothing was wrong but since I was so close to the 3rd trimester, they wanted to be sure.  If I was in the 3rd trimester, they would have had me go to Labor & Delivery to get monitored for a bit before clearing me.  They don't fool around with falls I guess!  So I turned my attention towards work - trying to ignore my throbbing ankle and the fact that I couldn't walk properly.

Finally it was time to go.  I got to my OB's office, they did all the usual stuff - urine sample, weight, blood pressure check.  They listened to the heartbeat and the fetal heart tones sounded good.  The doctor pressed around my belly to make sure nothing hurt, verified that I wasn't bleeding, and basically just said to be more careful and sent me on my way with instructions to come back if I did start to bleed or if my belly was hurting.  Clearly nothing was wrong with the baby but any pain or blood could mean the placenta had detached from the uterine wall.  This happened on Monday and today is Wednesday so I think I'm in the clear.  I still feel baby moving around and no pain or blood.

My ankle on the other hand is not that great.  I literally could not walk Monday night.  It was all I could do to get up the stairs so I could go to bed.  I ended up crawling to bed - something I haven't done since my college years (LOL!).  Of course hubby is out of town this week for business so I can't have him wait on me!  It's getting a lot better though.  Yesterday and today I could do basic things - but the dog has missed her walks and I worked from home both days.  If it's still bad tomorrow, I may have to visit my primary care doc to get it looked at.  My OB said that I can take tylenol and even get an xray but I'd rather not do either if I don't have to.  Just chalking it up to a simple sprain and icing it at regular intervals.  Another couple days hopefully I'll be just fine!  Lesson learned though - I am now switching my shoes to sneakers (I don't care how unfashionable it looks with my work attire)!  While I do blame the fall somewhat on my shifted center of gravity and general clumsiness, I think most of the blame lies on my flip flops - they have absolutely no traction on the bottom and really don't provide the right amount of support that my feet need right now anyway.  So while it is so nice to have my swollen tootsies out in the open feeling the breeze on hot summer days, safety first I guess.  I don't need anymore falls from now on!

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