My Baby Tracker

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

30 week update!

I've hit the big 3-0 this past Saturday!  30 weeks that is:)  Again, I can't believe how far I am along - but at the same time I can't help thinking "are you sure I'm only 30 weeks - not 32 or 33 weeks?"  It feels like time is crawling now!  To compensate I have been making myself very busy both at work and at home. 

Work is really getting to be unbearable though.  I have awful tailbone pain and am constantly having to take breaks to go walk around or go pee.  My chair is top-of-the-line at work, but still my tailbone starts throbbing by 10am despite the 3" cushion I bought to try to alleviate the pain.  Needless to say I've been working at home a lot.  Being able to stay in my lounge-wear is starting to be less of a perk and more of a necessity as maternity clothes are starting to not fit anymore!  I refuse to buy more so that I can wear them for just another 2 months so I'm gonna just suffer through it.  I have lost a lot of my mental energy too - with the lack of quality sleep and inability to stop thinking about baby and all my aches & pains, keeping up with assignments is getting hard.  I'm still able to maintain a fair amount of productivity and my coworkers have all been accepting of my physical and mental slow-down.  So the plan is still to stick around until the last week of October. 

We had our 2nd shower almost 2 weeks ago.  It was really great!!  My sisters, mom, & dad did a great job putting it all together and threw it for me in my parents' backyard.  The weather was perfect and again my hubby & I were overwhelmed by the generosity of everyone.  I'm really glad we decided to have the showers at the beginning of the 3rd trimester as opposed to later on.  This way I was still able to get around, talk to everyone, and not be tired.  Sure there were times when I had to sit down or had to stand, but it wasn't that bad.  I could definitely see how in a couple weeks it would've been pretty hard though!  Since the 2nd shower, we have been in full-blown nursery prep/organization mode.  Things are pretty much done in there now besides for wall décor and assorted knick-knacky items.  I finished the storage bins I was working on.  They look great in there and will store baby's toys at first.  We have to get some things that are left over on our registry - boring items such as bottle nipples, diapers, mattress protectors, burp cloths, etc - but for the most part, we are all set for baby to arrive!  It's unreal walking by the nursery now - I can actually imagine our little guy hanging out in there having tummy time on the floor, cooing at me as I change his diapers, screaming and wailing from the crib when he doesn't want to take a nap (LOL). 

So with the nursery looking so good, last weekend I had a surge of energy and motivation (aka "nesting") and I moved on to organizing the entire house.  I'm proud to say that I accomplished that feat in one weekend by myself!!  And NO I did not cut any corners!!  Of course that meant that I had to work at home the following Monday since my body was so sore - obviously overdid it.  But it feels SO GOOD to have that done!  Next up is... I'm not sure.  Probably will finish decorating the nursery.  I bought a bunch of $0.99 tissue paper packets that I'm going to use to make hanging "poufs" - perhaps it will replace the need for a mobile over the crib.  Hubby is begging me to start toning it down and start relaxing but that means time will slow down and I'll have nothing to do but sit around and wait for 2 months.  There are things I can do while relaxing though.  I have lots of books to read on labor and taking care of a baby and I can review the info that we have gotten from the childbirth classes we have started taking.  I can also start working up a plan to get rid of the pregnancy weight.  These non-physical activities can keep my mind busy somewhat - but sometimes you just need something physical to really shut your mind off.  Well, I'll figure it out I guess!  The plan for next weekend is to visit with my hubby's parents, my dad is visiting Sunday, and Monday I am going to try to just sit and read.  We'll see how it goes - worst case, if I start going crazy, I can do some cleaning or something.

All in all, everything is going great at 30 weeks.  Looking forward to watching the next 10 pass by quickly!

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