My Baby Tracker

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

26 week update

Holy cow I haven't posted in awhile!  No news is good news in this case.  I've had quite a few appointments since my last update at 14 weeks.  At that time, I was still dealing with my SCH and previa, just got done with the NT scan.

I did end up requesting an ultrasound at 16 weeks.  This was done with my OB as opposed to the MFM.  I can't even remember what the outcome of this scan was!  I think this was the one where my SCH was gone.  I still had complete previa - but at least the SCH was not a threat anymore!

At 20 weeks I had my anatomy scan with the MFM.  It was a very in-depth, detailed look at baby.  Everything looked really great.  Perfect everything!  Still no sign of the SCH and the u/s showed that the placenta moved away from my cervix - about 1.5 cm.  This is just shy of the threshold that they use to determine if a c-section is warranted or not.  The doctor believes that the placenta will move even further away as my uterus grows - but in the meantime, all restrictions were lifted!  Just in time for me to start feeling like a sluggish cow;)  But it's still a good sign.

I had my 24 week check a week or 2 ago.  That was just a weight/pee/general check.  My OB listened to baby on the doppler and all was normal.  My weight is tracking a bit high - same as how it was with Kellen.  She is not particularly worried though.  I just have to watch the processed carbs and try to keep things in check.  I'm up to about 147-150 lbs now and I am feeling every ounce of it!  Same as before, I feel like 15 of those lbs are in my boobs alone.  They are enormous!  And they are NOT cute at all.  LOL!  Anyway, my next check will be my 28 week check in 2 weeks.  This will involve an ultrasound to check babies growth and weight (and of course the placenta) at MFM and then a check with my OB.  I will be right on the cusp of the 3rd tri at that point (if not, already in it)!!  This pregnancy has been moving so fast it's unreal.  But when I think back all the way to June, I guess it has been a long time.  Still though, it seems like it has flown by.  Work has been crazy, keeping up with Kellen makes the days fly by, we had his birthday a month ago, then with traveling to 2 sets of families for Thanksgiving, I guess it's easy to see why time has been going quickly.  And with the holidays, this next month will go fast too.  I'm a bit worried about January and February though.  Work is supposed to slow down and there won't be much going on from a personal standpoint either.  Those will be the most uncomfortable months too - so I'll have to just deal with it I guess!

Outside of that, not much else to report.  I feel FAT and large.  I've been feeling her move pretty consistently for the past couple weeks now so the doppler has not been coming out lately.  Luckily I don't seem to have the pelvic pain yet that I had with Kellen at this point.  I think it might be because of the placenta placement and she has been breech on the last couple ultrasounds.  Since the placenta is low, she is forced to sit high in my uterus as opposed to Kellen who was the opposite - placenta was high and he was head down pretty much the whole time.  I'm hoping that she does turn to be head down eventually but at the same time, I'm hoping she is not in a rush.  It makes me nervous about a cord accident due to the placement of the placenta...makes me think that could be more likely as opposed to if the placenta was at her feet while she was head down.  Only time will tell though I suppose.  For now, all is well!

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