My Baby Tracker

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Gender scan yesterday! It's a......


We are so excited!  Hubby especially is ecstatic:))  We have started looking at baby names - disagreeing on most ideas that we have thrown out.  Glad we found out this early because this is gonna take a loooonnng time!  Probably right up to delivery!  We do know the middle name at least: O’Brien, mother-in-law’s maiden name.  We’ve gone through a lot of baby name lists and have laughed at most of them.  There are some pretty unfortunate names out there! 
We are starting to think about décor too.  Hubby threw out the first idea of decorating with a theme of puppy dogs and machine guns.  LOL!  No way!  He was kidding anyway.  There is so much cute stuff online though so I’m not worried about coming up with ideas.  I think a jungle or woodland animal theme would be really cute.  Hubby wants to incorporate sports somehow of course – which is fine, just don’t want a sports-centric nursery.  Our son will have plenty of time to develop an obsession with sports – doesn’t have to be right away though!  When he is 5 and he wants a football field mural painted on his wall, I will not stand in the way.  From now until then, he can be my sweet baby boy who loves his stuffed monkeys & elephants, or rabbits & owls.  LOL! 
The scan went really well though.  I was freaking out because there was an un-announced triathlon that closed down a bunch of streets by our house so it took a lot longer to get to the expressway and were running late as a result.  I didn’t have reason to worry though because when we got there, no one was even in the waiting room to check us in or anything.  There was a sign that said an ultrasound was being conducted and to please have a seat and fill out a form.  So we did that and ended up waiting for a good 20 minutes.  There was a TV in the room that kept replaying this 3D ultrasound video with this really annoying song in the background.  It was sort of sweet the first time we saw it, but as it came to the 6th time that it was gearing up to replay, I had enough.  I tried to at least turn down the volume but that didn’t work.  So I just ended up turning the damn monitor off.  I was generally irritated with rushing to get there and then having to wait anyway, had to pee really bad (had to have a full bladder for the u/s), and was anxious for the u/s too!  So I didn’t care about taking it upon myself to turn off the TV.  Patience is not something I have had a lot of lately! 
Finally, an u/s tech and couple emerge from one of the rooms, the couple checks out and it is our turn!  The tech looks over our form and then notices the TV was off.  He gets really confused, tries to turn it back on with the remote but it doesn’t work.  LOL.  After a couple seconds I said “Well, we were waiting for quite some time and that song was really annoying.  So I shut it off at the source.”  Hubby goes to turn on the TV while I’m talking.  The tech didn’t really say anything and I thought “oh great, I was overly snippy and we’re being difficult even before the u/s has started - messing with his machines and such - so he’s not going to try very hard to see the sex for us or he will lie to us.”  Ha ha!  

Well the u/s finally got under way and we saw baby right away.  He went over the basic stuff – looked at some features like the feet, hands, spine, profile of the face, and heartbeat of course.  Baby was moving it’s jaw around like it was chewing on something!  That was funny.  But for the most part I was thinking “yea, yea, yea, yea – have seen this stuff before.  Let’s get to the goods!!  We can come back to this later!”  It was nice to see of course but that lack of patience was getting me again!   It wasn’t moving around much besides for its jaw and an occasional swat.  It was probably resting.  And of course it decided to rest with its legs crossed!  Oh noooo!!  The tech proceeded to nudge and poke my belly to get the baby to switch positions which felt awesome against my full bladder.  Baby seemed annoyed at that but didn’t move it’s legs – just did some more swatting.  The tech asked me to roll to my right side.  Seemed like that did it!  Baby scurried around, repositioning itself and then I flipped back over to my back where the tech was able to see the goods now.  After a couple seconds…“You’re having a boy!!”  Awwwww – so cute!  Look at the lil’ guy!  It was unmistakable – even my hubby and I could see the goods.  After more ohhhs and ahhhhs, the tech went back over everything before ending the u/s.  Phew!  I was instantly on cloud 9 and was finally able to go pee! 

I really didn’t have a preference but after awhile, hubby admitted that he was leaning towards a boy.  This is great though.  I can now call my belly “my son” and refer to it a “he” or “him”.  I can visualize the baby easier too and it makes it all seem somewhat more real.  So now I get to make another announcement on facebook and got to tell my coworkers today.  They all cheered and are so excited for us.  I said that I was scared of getting peed on and one mother of 2 sons said not to worry.  That doesn’t happen right away – I have time to practice my ‘duck and cover’ skills!  LOL! 
So now we wait for our next ultrasound which is another big one.  It’s the anatomy scan and will check for structural abnormalities.  It’ll be on June 11th and hopefully we’ll get further confirmation that we are indeed having a healthy baby boy.  This week I have my 2nd blood test for my 2nd trimester screening.  The test is tomorrow.  I don’t know when we’ll get the results but it will give more precise odds of the baby having chromosomal issues.  I also have my 16 week OB appointment on Wednesday.  Should be pretty basic, go over concerns/issues, listen to the heartbeat, measure my belly, etc.

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