My Baby Tracker

Thursday, March 21, 2013

7w5d update

I’m sitting at work trying to kill time before I can go home. Working has been much easier since we’ve gotten over the ultrasound hump. I’m not finding myself sneaking peaks at my phone every 5 minutes to look up stuff on google or obsess with other crazed formerly infertile moms-to-be. I am thanking God that I don’t seem to be one of those women who can’t keep anything down in early pregnancy – I definitely get it in waves though where I think “UGHHHhhh” and I have to sit down. But mostly I’m struggling with staying awake all day and feeling darn uncomfortable! As I sit here at my desk, I have my pants completely unbuttoned and my belly is still begging for more room! Of course it’s not the baby yet as he/she is still the size of a blueberry (1/2”). I have gained 1 ½ lbs since getting our positive pregnancy test. That is probably from my extra eating (can’t seem to eat enough these days and it seems to make the nausea better – I’ll take it, just means the baby can get more num nums!) But really I think I’m so uncomfortable because I am just so bloated! I can button my pants fine when I first put them on in the morning. But as the day goes on, my belly gets bigger and bigger until finally I can’t take it anymore! Tomorrow I’m going to go to Target to get a BeBand so I can keep my pants unbuttoned all the time and it’ll just look like I have a tank under my clothes. But even then, it’ll be tricky to hide with what I typically wear in the winter. Oh how I wish it would get warm out so I can break out all the flowy summery tops I have in my closet! I can totally get away with having my pants unbuttoned if I wear those kinds of shirts! Also need to get new undies while I’m at Target. Mine are too constricting in the tummy area now and a lot of them are pinching somewhere in my groin which is odd. Don’t know what that’s all about. I assume my thighs are getting wider a bit but they’re not so wide that they don’t fit in to my undies! Maybe there’s a vein or nerve around there that is getting bigger or something. I am reading that pregnant women have an increased blood volume – even early on. I forget how much of an increase, but that’s what causes all the extra peeing – the kidneys have to work more. I’m interested to know what my blood pressure is now. Usually it has always been very low so maybe now with more blood it will be around average. Unless my veins are getting bigger which maybe is why my undies are no longer comfortable. Who knows. REALLY hope I don’t end up with varicose (very gross) veins on my legs though! Hearing that’s quite common unfortunately and the remedy is to wear these ridiculous compression stockings! Won’t that be great during Indian Summer in September! LOL! Anyway, for now I need to have my hubby start taking belly pics of me so we can look back and see the progression. But I don’t want to do it now because I look like I’m pregnant already!! Even so, we’ll still do it – but we need to do it early in the morning before I start to puff out. I keep on forgetting though! As soon as we start taking them, we’ll do it weekly and I’ll post them on here!

Not much is going on otherwise though. I still have to take my nightly progesterone shots. The dosages are going down gradually. Last week they had me decrease the dose to 1.3cc down from 1.8cc. But this week they only had me decrease down to 1.2cc. Ugh, not a big decrease at all! The bigger the decrease the faster I can be off that awful stuff! I have a good feeling that progesterone may be the culprit behind all this insane bloating. The shots are really starting to hurt too. I think it’s because I have gotten so many of them that now we are hitting old injection sites that haven’t healed up all the way or something.

The next big thing on the agenda is our first OB appointment next Monday! That will be fun and we’ll get to see the baby again. Don’t know if we’ll hear the heartbeat as I don’t know what kind of equipment they have. But it'll be exciting to at least see the baby! I’m sort of anxious and worried – but nowhere near to the level that I was for our first ultrasound! I’m hoping we see good growth and a good rise in the heart rate. We’ll see! I know the odds are in our favor now and we just have to assume that everything is on track. But I have a TON of questions ready for the nurse and doc, that’s for sure! Hope they’re ready for it!

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