My Baby Tracker

Monday, March 25, 2013

2nd ultrasound - 8w2d

We had our 2nd ultrasound this morning.  All is looking great!  Baby is measuring right on track (a day ahead in fact), the heartbeat is up to 171 bpm, and the tech said the baby was moving it's little arms and legs around (we couldn't see this though)!  The tech could not find the source of my spotting yesterday and said that since it was not in the uterus, it must have been from my cervix.  So that is good as well.  With me being at 8+ weeks and seeing a healthy heartbeat, the risk of miscarriage is now down to 2%!  Whoopeeee!!!

Then we got to talk to the OB nurse.  She took down my info, stats, etc and got medical history info from both me and hubby.  Then she gave us a buttload of informational printouts, half of which were ads for Babies R Us, day care providers, exercise classes, and mommy playgroups.  The other half was informative about what to eat, habits/food to avoid, etc (I CAN eat hotdogs as long as they are cooked - yay!!  Canned light tuna only once per week though - boo!).  She said that I can call the office at any time - weekday or weekend, day or night - if I have a burning question or problem (ie: my spotting yesterday).  They want to know about EVERYTHING and if there is a question about anything, they will do a quick ultrasound to make sure all is good with the baby.  So that is nice to know.  We went over classes that we should take once I get to the 3rd trimester and preregistering for the hospital admission so I don't have to give birth in a hallway or something.  LOL!  But it was all pretty basic but exciting too! 

Then I had to do lab work.  They had to take 10 vials of my blood.  Ugh!  And of course the nurse couldn't find an adequate vein.  So that was fun:/  I don't recall what it was all for - testing me for blood type, Rh, rubella, etc. plus I had them test me for toxoplasmosis (the bacteria that makes cat feces dangerous to pregnant women) to see if I am immune.  If I'm not immune, no big deal - hubby can continue changing the litterbox. 

Anyway I go back to discuss results and get examined by my OB doc on Wednesday.  Next ultrasound is not until 20 weeks!  Unless I have an issue and they want to check on things.  I think a lot of women go to outside ultrasound clincs to get a 3D scan at around 15 weeks and that can tell them the sex of the baby.  So maybe we'll do that.  Also there is a nuchal translucency test, which involves a detailed ultrasound and bloodwork that can be done at 12-13 weeks or so that tests for markers of down syndrome and other abnormalities.  So we'll probably do that as well since it's less invasive than an amnio.

Here's a pic of the baby today - it actually looks like a bean now!

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