My Baby Tracker

Thursday, February 21, 2013

OMG there's another line!


Okay I am freaking out!  It's official, sign me up for the looney bin for SURE! 

So for the past 6 hours I've been thinking about nothing but POASing.  I was so close to just going across the street to CVS to buy some HPTs but restrained myself.  I held it for about 2 hours and by the time I got home I was ready to burst!  I could barely get the HPT and rip it open before I started peeing!  So I peed on it, set it aside, continued the rest of my pee (which took a good minute - really had to go!), and then checked it.  A line is supposed to appear within 3 minutes and low and behold it was already there!  The first couple minutes consisted of disbelief, I thought I was seeing things.  Hubby came in and confirmed the second line.  "Yea!  That's a line!" he said.  OMGOMGOMG!!!  And so commenced the frantic texting to my family who were anxiously waiting.  About 15 minutes later, my phone quieted down and I've had time to take a breath.  Wow!!  That really wasn't what I was expecting.  I am crampy - but not really period-like crampy.  I was getting a headache on the way home - a symptom of my period coming - and just had so many doubts.  But there is definitely a line, no doubt about that.  Right now, I am pregnant!

So now begins more anxiety and terror!  LOL!  I told hubby that I want to go to Walmart and buy 10 boxes of tests so I can POAS everytime I go pee from now until my beta test on Saturday.  I'm just in disbelief.  We've jumped over another hurdle and have 4 more to go.  First we have the beta this Saturday.  If that's positive then they do another beta on Monday.  If that is still positive AND the number doubles in an amount that our RE likes to see then they schedule an ultrasound to see if there is a sac (or two!) at 5-6 weeks.  If that goes okay, then a 2nd ultrasound is done to see the heartbeat at about 7 weeks.  I'll be able to take a breath then - but not quite.  The first trimester is when most miscarriages happen and many people do not "announce" the news until they reach the 2nd trimester.  IVF pregnancies are especially fragile.  So 1st trimester is over at 12 weeks.  Then maybe I'll relax.

Now I'll really have to use the "One Day at a Time" mentality!  So today, I am pregnant:)  I've never gotten this far before and that is HUGE!  We'll deal with tomorrow when it gets here! 

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