My Baby Tracker

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Okay, I'm starting to get a bit nutty.  What a difference a day makes!  LOL!  I'm a member of Fertility Friend (a charting website) and I just spent the last hour analyzing my symptoms that I've had (or haven't had) on my cycles for the past 2 years and comparing them to this cycle.  I guess I'm trying to convince myself that I had all these same symptoms on all my other cycles where I did not get pregnant.  But I'm also seeing symptoms that I usually have by now (headache, backache, bloating, acne), but don't have yet.  My boobs are starting to feel sore which is very common on all my cycles, I'm very gassy (not bloated though and not common), was constipated yesterday and part of today (not common, but solved that recently though;)), also my smell has been much better the last couple days.  I made popcorn after work today and it was the first time that I smelled anything really strongly since back in November.  So I don't know what that's all about. 

I posted the embryo timeline earlier to remind myself that if things are going well in the batcave, one or both of the embryos would begin secreting hCG tomorrow.  Hence, a preggo test would not detect anything today.  And I do not want to start testing at an insanely early date.  Fertility Friend also has a gallery of positive pregnancy tests and even at 12dpo (days past ovulation - I am 10dpo), the FRER (First Response Early Result) tests are super super faint!  Also even though FRER tests can detect hCG as early as 6 days before a missed period (my period is due Sunday (I think) if I wasn't on progesterone), that would put me at yesterday where the test could detect hCG.  LOL!  I was only 4dp5dt or 9dpo yesterday.  I just find it hard to believe that the test can detect anything that early!  It does say on the box though that 100% of positive results were seen at 4 days before a missed period - which would be tomorrow for me.  UGH!  Does that include IVF cycles I wonder??

In another attempt to deter me from POASing (peeing on a stick) I'm assuming that on beta day if preggo, my hCG level will be about 50 (that's the minimum level that they look for).  hCG levels double every 48 hours at the most.  So if my level is 50 on Saturday, then on Thursday it will be 25 - which is what FRERs can detect.  However if I was preggo right now, my level would only be 12.5 - not detectable.  So what's the point of wasting the test??  Of course lots of women get betas in the 100s so in that case, I would see a result sooner.

And of course, my hubby is very against testing early.  If I was to test today - or even tomorrow - and it was negative or positive, I'd have to tell him because... well I just can't keep secrets from him... and he would be so mad!  LOL!  Whereas if I took a test Thursday evening or Friday morning, maybe he'd be more receptive - he'd still be annoyed though.  He says that's it's my attempt to control the situation.  I just want to know though!  I have no desire to control - sure I want a baby, but I KNOW that I can't do anything about it at this point especially.  If anything, my problem is the lack of ability to control myself!

I don't know!  We'll see how I feel tomorrow.  Maybe I will have a busy day at work so I'll be able to be distracted. 

Time to go make dinner!

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