My Baby Tracker

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

36 week belly pic

How Far Along: 36 weeks

Total Weight Gain:  38 lbs - scale at OB's office was indeed wrong at my 34 week weigh in.  YAY!!  (goal at 40 weeks was 35 lbs - goal is now 42 lbs)

Maternity Clothes:  Yup!  Hope it stays warm enough so I don't need to buy a coat or sweaters.  Still wearing my flip flops!

Movement:  Lots of shifting.  Still likes punching my ovaries and bladder from time to time.

Sleep:  Ugh - very tired but too uncomfortable to get quality sleep.  I actually dread bedtime and am eager to get up in the morning.  Don't quite know how I'm still functioning on all cylinders.

Gender:  still a BOY!

Symptoms:  pubic bone pain, vagina pain, round ligament pain at times, Braxton Hicks contractions, carpal tunnel syndrome, hands beginning round 2 of swelling, leg cramps when sleeping, sore feet, bones all over body crack when first getting up to move, tailbone pain, feet swelling and aching, still SO HOT all the time.

Cravings:  still ice cream!

Things I Miss:  stamina, bending over, ability to walk normally, my wedding ring, regular underwear!

Highlight of the Week:  My sister was down visiting this weekend.  Was good to see her!  Also all our registry items have been fulfilled.  YAY!!  We are officially ready to go!  Car seat is even installed and has been inspected by AAA.

Last Appointment:  last Tuesday, 10/1 - 35 week OB check up.  All is looking good!  Cervix is closed nice and tight.  Got the vaginal strep test in case I do deliver vaginally.  It came back all clear!

Next Appointment:  Wednesday, 10/9 - 36 week OB check.  Should be another basic check - perhaps a cervix check.  Not sure.

Preggo Lifesavers:  maternity belt, boppy cuddle pillow, adjustable flip flops, ceiling fans, macaroni & cheese & hot dogs - num num!

1 comment:

  1. I sympathize with you on so many of these points! Hang in there. You are doing great.
