My Baby Tracker

Monday, September 9, 2013

32 week belly pic

How Far Along: 32 weeks

Total Weight Gain:  36 lbs. (goal at 40 weeks was 35 lbs - goal is now 44 lbs)

Maternity Clothes:  Ummm yea, everything maternity except for undies.  Wearing plus size undies now, if I have to go up another size I may invest in some maternity undies.

Movement:  Very noticeable now.  Baby is shaking his behind as I type - sticking it out to the left now.  He was doing something to my bladder today while I was trying to grocery shop - felt like punching.  Very uncomfortable!  Baby does not move around like clockwork right now - although seems to be a lot more often than before.  Most active in the evening and after meals.

Sleep:  What is sleep?  I have not had any for a month!  No seriously, waking up every hour or 2 to either pee or adjust my sleeping position because something is bothering me.  Common sleeping complaints: my hips ache, arms fall asleep, terrible leg cramps, too hot, or just generally can't sleep for no reason.

Gender:  BOY!

Symptoms:  pubic bone pain, vagina pain, round ligament pain at times, Braxton Hicks contractions, carpal tunnel syndrome, hands beginning round 2 of swelling, leg cramps when sleeping, sore feet, bones all over body crack when first getting up to move, tailbone pain.

Cravings:  biggest one is ice cream.  Other big ones: carbs, cereal, cold beverages

Things I Miss:  shaving my legs, painting toes, bending over without farting, working out, sushi (!), sitting in my work chair without being in pain, my normal sized boobs.

Highlight of the Week:  baby boy's brain looks normal now!

Last Appointment:  today, 9/9 - 32 week follow-up ultrasound with high-risk OB

Next Appointment:  Tuesday, 9/17 - regular biweekly OB check-up

Preggo Lifesavers:  maternity belt, boppy cuddle pillow, foot massagers (the kind you put on the floor and just roll your foot over... or hubby's hands), pedicures, air conditioning

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