The first was my hubby's dna fragmentation test. It came back with "good to excellent fertilization potential". So that's great! This means that hubby's only issue is with morphology (poorly shaped sperm) which is easily mitigated thru IVF and ICSI. We were sort of worried about that one since hubby is a hopeless smoker and takes anti-anxiety medication (both can cause dna frag which would in turn cause poor embryos). Because of this, looks like it's all an egg (or possibly lab) issue but doc has solutions for that such as being more aggressive, monitoring cysts, and more careful, accurate monitoring.
The second was the results of our genetic screening that was required by our new clinic. I came back scott-free and hubby is a carrier for Wilson's disease. I don't know exactly what this is - something to do with copper and the liver. He is only a carrier so he will never show symptoms of it. He could pass it on to his children but they'd only be carriers as well since I am not a carrier. So great news there as well.
Oh and I did get my results back from the day 3 and AMH blood tests a couple weeks ago. My AMH is 1.14 (anything above 1 is decent) and my FSH is 6.9 (less than 10 is good). So doc is pleased with those numbers.
Now I need to call the clinic when I get my next period in about a week. They will get us on the schedule for a cycle around the end of April. I'll need to start taking estrace (assuming that's to avoid cysts) right before my next period starts end of March. I don't know any more details regarding specifics of our protocol or anything. They did say I could be a candidate to take human growth hormone (sometimes it improves egg/embryo quality) but due to the cost and the fact that it's not really proven to work in all women, they are leaving it up to me if I want to take it or not.
Of course now that things are starting to fall in to place, hubby is wanting to push back when we cycle. He still doesn't have a job but he will eventually and all this is going on another interest free credit card for a year and a half (God bless that invention). So my thought is that it's a moot point - unless he still doesn't have a job when we have to pay it off. I want to get this show on the road already! If we do a cycle end of April, the frozen cycle may not happen for another 2 months. So even if all goes well, it's not like I'd be preggo then. We'd have to wait for the FET. Hopefully he sees my side without me getting overly emotional which is tough when you are PMS-ing! When I start freaking out, he shuts down and discussions are never resolved. Hoping I can keep it together enough to explain rationally why it's stupid to wait any longer.
We also think we will be driving to NJ. It's only a 10 hour drive. Probably long for our son, but it's doable. Then we don't have to worry about my periods not falling on the right date or the ER not happening when planned and changing flights and stuff. Plus we won't have to deal with baggage fees. Being gone for a week+ with a toddler will no doubt require a TON of baggage! Anyway, we would leave around day 8 of my IVF cycle and get there the next day for monitoring and then stay there until my ER. Then we'd drive back the day after that.
So, we'll see what happens. Stay tuned!